Usually, when our students are in “The Forest,” an area of wooded landed just past our campus, there is an abundance of noise that can be heard all the way back to the main school building. When I hear this, it brings a smile to my face, as it is the happy noise of middle school students enjoying our Outdoor Program. This Friday, however, students were stationed throughout The Forest and the only thing that one could hear was the sound of birds and the wind in the trees – and the occasional snapping sound of a stick burning in a fire.
This Friday, all students in grades 6 through 8 participated in our annual Winter Solo. After a brief organizational meeting, students went off to their individual places in the woods with a ferro rod and an aluminum foil packet of food they made earlier in the day. The typical chatter and clamor of Outdoors was replaced by focused industriousness. It was truly a sight to behold!
Once all the fires were extinguished and the students emerged from The Forest, they beamed with pride and self-satisfaction. While they certainly were not in the wilderness, nor were the weather conditions treacherous – our students were challenged, and they provided clear evidence of their learning.
I can’t recall the last time that I was so pleased by the sound of silence during Outdoors!